
Blepharitis Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Blepharitis Overview

When oil glands at the base of your eyelashes become clogged and irritated, it can cause an inflamed condition called blepharitis. Dermatitis, bacterial infections, allergies, and more can trigger blepharitis. The best way to find out what’s causing it and what you can do to treat it is by scheduling an appointment. 

Man with Viral Blepharitis and astigmatism

Treatment of Blepharitis

Your eye doctor may recommend treating blepharitis flare-ups with topical and oral antibiotics, steroid drops, and other medications that address underlying conditions. 

They may also recommend applying a warm compress to the affected area and gently washing eyelids with diluted baby shampoo.


Signs That It’s Time To See an Eye Doctor About Blepharitis

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